Saturday, September 22, 2012

Top Anime Openings: Part Two

Yeah it's only been like almost a month since I've updated this thing.

So I'm gonna finish off the remaining songs in my top 20 anime openings. Once again, beware of spoilers and mature content and I'll try to provide the opening itself or the full song when at all possible and if the video gets removed cause YouTube is full of jerks, I provided the title of the song if you wanna look it up on your own.

So let's continue with...

~Liz's Top 20 Anime Openings (#s 10-1)~

10. Go!! Fighting Dreamers by Flow (Naruto)

Yeah I think any Naru-tard knows this song by heart and is obsessed with it. And it remains to be one of the best openings of Naruto ever.

It's just so freaking catchy, has a great beat to it, and well yeah, is memorable. Like I really gotta say much. It's another song done by the band Flow and they've done a few openings for this anime. This song of course is the best when the show was at a really good and exciting point that really just drew you into the action of ninjas and fighting. Even though I think the show's completely overrated, I still enjoy listening to this song every now and then.

9. Ready, Steady, Go! by L'Arc en Ciel (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Another opening that's most memorable in the original FMA series. I know I'll love this song till the day I die.

Played by L'Arc en Ciel which is mostly known for doing music for Fullmetal Alchemist, they created one of the best songs ever. It's very catchy and pulls you into the show. It's one of my favorite songs of the original series. Speaking of, will I be including any openings from FMA: Brotherhood? Well just stick around and find out.

8. O2 by Orange Range (Code Geass R2)

Orange Range is once again one of those J-pop bands that is known for the anime openings they do. And this is no exception.

While I did put another opening from Code Geass on the list already, I did find this one better than the opening by Flow. Not that it was bad, just this one was really better. I guess since the first season left everyone off on such a big cliff hanger they wanted to do something epic to start off Code Geass R2. And the opening does help quite a bit. It's fast-paced, energetic, gives great visuals, and does a lot that an anime opening does: drag you into the show itself. And sooner than later you're greeted with intense action and drama that is more than your brain can handle.

7. Hologram by Nico Touches the Walls (FMA: Brotherhood)

Yeah this was gonna pop up eventually. Sorry I can't get a video up because embedding videos is getting f***ed up big time...

This song is just so appealing to me. It's soft and touching but also upbeat and energetic at the same time. I just like how the singer sounds with his voice. It just really sounds beautiful to me. Once I heard it in FMA: Brotherhood, I would constantly listen to this to my heart's content and I will do so for as long as I live.

6. Resonance by T.M Revolution (Soul Eater)

Damn did this show know how to drag us into the scary imagery that was put in this show. And this opening sure dragged us into the intense action and horror that is Soul Eater.

The song itself is intense and fast paced and anticipates you to get a really great show. The use of guitar and other instrumental elements that make it the way it is. I don't really have any other words for it other than it's just a really f*** yeah! song.

5.  H.T by Tsuneo Imahori (Trigun)

While this is an anime I haven't done a review on, Trigun is definitely a classic that any otaku should check out. And trust me when I say that it's a good series; I just haven't gotten too far into it to do a review.

It's one minute and thirty seconds of nothing but electric guitar, and it's freaking awesome! Like the show itself, it's full of intense action that just keeps you on the edge of your seat every second. It's what I look forward to every time I play an episode is that opening for that amazing guitar, and I'll enjoy hearing it over and over.

4. Lilium by Kumiko Noma (Elfen Lied)
Again can't get the video due to embedding issues..Mature content warning. God, I'm just getting shivers down my spine listening to it.

Out of every anime opening that has ever existed, this is probably the most unique. Obviously, it's in Latin. Don't know many anime openings in Latin. And it's not like it's used for 10+ episodes and it's scrapped; Lilium is used in variations throughout the show, including a Tenors version, a music box version, a Saint version, and the original. It sets the mood for any situation to add intensity, drama and pure emotion to the scene that'll just jerk tears out of your eyes. It suits perfectly for such a dramatic anime.

You listen to the melody and it sounds really peaceful and calm and then the first thing you see afterwards is a severed arm twitching (Yeah I don't think I give much away when I say that). I think it's the Latin. Just the use of a dead language just makes it so ominous and unique. And some of the different versions can range from dark and terrifying to sweet and peaceful. That's what makes it a beautiful song.

I'm still questioning about the lyrics and the overall meaning of the song. I know that it has to relate to the anime and from what I can gather, the lyrics are used from biblical passages and a Renaissance hymn. If anyone has a proper translation of the song, I'd love to see it.

Plus, the drawings used in the opening are beautiful. They are based off of paintings by Austrian painter, Gustav Klimt which include The Kiss, Adele Bloch-Bauer I, and others. It really does give off quite a bit of artistic culture that's really fascinating

Eerie and beautiful, this song definitely ranks as one of the best openings of all time, but we still have a few to go.

3. My Soul, Your Beats! by Lia (Angel Beats!)
Embedding problems...

Any openings from animes made by Key are awesome. Including this one. Of course Lia has the best voice ever, and she helps to create a song that soft and emotional but also fast paced and dramatic. The opening is also unique by showing clips from the episode that foreshadow what will happen, but it goes fast so you don't get too spoiled. Even when it shows the characters, some will be added or some will vanish depending and what episode you're on and what's happening at the time.

I'm not too big of a fan of the version sung by the character Yui. I'm not saying it's bad; it's just that the original is so much better. Her voice works for some songs but not all of them. I didn't feel like that version had as much emotion as the original, but mind you that's just an opinion. I love the original version better.

2. Toki Wo Kizamu Ita by Lia (Clannad: After Story)

 A stronger sequel series calls for an even stronger opening.Again it's another song by Lia and it's beautiful. After watching the whole series, this whole song just reminds you of all those moments, joyful and tragic, and it really makes my eyes water up. I'm not gonna lie. Really, just watch the show and listen to the WHOLE song and tell me if it gets ya tearing up. It's really just nostalgic hearing this song and remembering what a fantastic anime this was, is and always will be.

And the number one anime opening is....

1. Tori No Uta by Lia (Air TV)

This.. It's just beautiful. It's upbeat but still has this sense of peace and beauty to it and just attracts me so much. I love it and it remains to be one of the best J-Pop songs ever!

What I also like is this song can have any variation, and it's still beautiful. Instrumental, piano, music box, it doesn't matter. It's just amazing in any form and I enjoy hearing it again and again. <3

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