Set in a historical European setting, Spice and Wolf revolves around main character, Kraft Lawrence. Lawrence is a 25 year old merchant who travels to different villages selling various goods so he'll get enough money to one day own a shop of his own. One night while he's in the town of Pasloe, he finds a young girl in his wagon named Holo who has the ears and tail of a wolf. Holo is a 600 plus years old pagan wolf-deity who is the town's goddess of harvest and has kept it blessed with good harvests of wheat for many years. Although she has a responsibility to this town, she really wishes to go back to her homeland in the north called Yoitsu because she believes everyone's forgotten about her, and she wants to see how the world outside of Pasloe has change in the past centuries. She manages to make a deal with Lawrence and ends up traveling with him. As they travel, Holo helps Lawrence increase his profits as a merchant, but also attracts negative attention from the Church because of her real nature.
Another great anime that made some friends of mine happy for watching. I looked online and saw that there's a second series so I may check that out as well. But anyway this is a great fantasy anime with a nice hint of romance between Holo and Lawrence. There's some slight nudity but it really isn't that bad. Another great anime to see.
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