Wednesday, August 10, 2011

And I'm Back!

So for the first anime review in forever on here, I've chosen the anime Soul Eater which I've been recommended to watch by many people.

Set in the fictional city of Death City, a school exists to protect the world against evil souls called kishin and witches that have a taste for bringing destruction to the world. This school is known as the Death Weapon Meister Academy, or the DWMA for short and was created by the grim reaper, Death. This anime follows three of the students and their weapon partners: Maka Albarn with her scythe Soul Eater, Black Star with his shadow weapon Tsubaki, and Death the Kid with his twin guns Liz and Patty. The goal of all meisters is for their weapons to absorb 99 kishin souls and the soul of one witch so the weapons will have the power to become a death scythe, a weapon able to be used by a grim reaper. As these meisters work to make their weapons death scythes, they also work to fight against forces who wish for anarchy and world destruction.

I love this anime cause it's both funny and serious at the same time, so even if during a really important fight there is still some comedic relief. The characters are really great both in and out of action. I even got my sister hooked on it too because it's pretty easy to follow even if you're in the middle of the series. So like all my other friends that told me so, I tell you to go watch it!


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