Sunday, August 21, 2011

By Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet

If no one has gotten the title, this next anime is related to Shakespeare. This anime is called Romeo x Juliet. Obviously it's based off the famous Shakespearean play, but trust me when I say that it's really great.

The story follows young Juliet, a citizen of Neo Verona who masquerades as a boy called Odin for an unknown reason and fights against nobles abusing their power by becoming a masked Robin Hood character known as "The Red Whirlwind". While attending a ball with a friend, she meets Romeo who she falls in love with at first sight. Her sixteenth birthday approaches, and it is revealed that Juliet is really Juliet Fiammatta Ars De Capulet, the last surviving member of the Capulet family that was massacred in a bloody coup d'état led by the house of Montague, which makes Juliet remember the night 14 years ago when she saw her parents murdered in front of her eyes. This only makes it worse when she finds out that the boy she fell in love with is Romeo Candore De Montague. While trying to lead a rebellion against Leontes Montague, head of the Montague family and prince of Neo Verona, Juliet faces challenges of her identity as The Red Whirlwind, keeping her real identity as a Capulet a secret, and trying to manage her love for her Romeo. What will become of these star-crossed lovers?

I haven't watched the entire series and I feel like I should have before making a review, but I like the series enough to do so. This anime version of the famous play is by far the best version out of all the versions of Romeo and Juliet I have seen. It even includes references to other Shakespearean plays and other characters from his plays. Even William Shakespeare is a character for a little comic relief as he's a procrastinating playwright. With a great combination of drama, fantasy and romance, this anime is by far one of the best ones I've seen so far.


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